
How to book

Book and pay online – it's quick, easy and hassle-free

You're just 5 steps away from a wonderful holiday! Once you've found a property to rent, it's easy to book online and pay the deposit using our secure payment system. If you have any questions, contact us.
Step 1
Use our search tool (with advanced options) to browse our properties. Choose the property that suits your needs and click 'Book now'.
Step 2
Check availability in the calendar by selecting arrival and departure dates, plus the number of people. The system will give you a price and take you to the next step.
Step 3
Complete the booking form with your personal details or log in to your account so that the system can retrieve your stored profile information.
Step 4
When prompted, pay the 15-20% reservation deposit. You can pay online with your credit card using our secure system. 
Step 5
Check your inbox for the confirmation email, which we will send once we have received your deposit. The reservation is only fully confirmed once you have received this email.